Table of Contents

Building the Services

This article describes building the CRUDL data services for a Blazor Database Application.
This set of articles and code base is out of date. They don't reflect my current framework. Use them at your risk.

This the second article in a series on Building Blazor Database Applications. It describes the Data and Core Domain boilerplate code used to make deploying application specific data services simple. It is a total rewrite from earlier releases.

The articles in the series are:

  1. Project Structure and Framework.
  2. Services - Building the CRUD Data Layers.
  3. View Components - CRUD Edit and View Operations in the UI.
  4. UI Components - Building HTML/CSS Controls.
  5. View Components - CRUD List Operations in the UI.

Repository and Database

The repository for the articles has moved to Blazor.Database Repository. All previous repos are obselete and will be removed shortly.

There's a SQL script in /SQL in the repository for building the database.

The demo site has changed now the Server and WASM have been combined. The site starts in Server mode -


Our goal: build library code so declaring a standard UI View service is as simple as this:

public class WeatherForecastViewService : BaseModelViewService<WeatherForecast>, IModelViewService<WeatherForecast>
    public WeatherForecastViewService(IDataServiceConnector dataServiceConnector) : base(dataServiceConnector) { }

And declaring a database DbContext that looks like:

    public class MSSQLWeatherDbContext : DbContext
        public MSSQLWeatherDbContext(DbContextOptions<MSSQLWeatherDbContext> options) : base(options) {}

        public DbSet<WeatherForecast> WeatherForecast { get; set; }

Our process for adding a new database entity is:

  1. Add the necessary table/view to the database.
  2. Define the model and edit record classes.
  3. Define a DbSet in the DbContext.
  4. Define one or more model view services and register them with the Services container.

There will be complications with certain entities, but that doesn't invalidate the approach - 80%+ of the code in the library.


Blazor uses DI [Dependency Injection] and IOC [Inversion of Control] principles. If you're unfamiliar with these concepts, do a little backgound reading before diving into Blazor. It'll save you time in the long run!

Blazor Singleton and Transient services are relatively straight forward. You can read more about them in the Microsoft Documentation. Scoped are a little more complicated.

  1. A scoped service object exists for the lifetime of a client application session - note client and not server. Any application resets, such as F5 or navigation away from the application, resets all scoped services. A duplicated tab in a browser creates a new application, and a new set of scoped services.
  2. A scoped service can be restricted to an single object (normally a component) in code. The OwningComponentBase component class restricts the life of a scoped service to the lifetime of that component.

Services is the Blazor IOC [Inversion of Control] container. Service instances are declared as follows:

  1. Blazor Server, in Startup.cs method ConfigureServices
  2. Blazor WASM in Program.cs.

This solution uses a set of Service Collection extension methods such as AddInMemoryApplicationServices to logically organise the solution services.

// Blazr.Database.Web/startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // the local application Services defined in ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs
    // services.AddApplicationServices(this.Configuration);

Extensions are declared as a static extension methods in a static class. Various methods are shown below.

public static class ServiceCollectionExtensions
    public static IServiceCollection AddWASMApplicationServices(this IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddScoped<IDataBroker, APIDataBroker>();

        return services;
    public static IServiceCollection AddSQLServerApplicationServices(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
        // Local MS SQL DB Setup
        var dbContext = configuration.GetValue<string>("Configuration:DBContext");
        services.AddDbContextFactory<MSSQLWeatherDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(dbContext), ServiceLifetime.Singleton);
        services.AddSingleton<IDataBroker, WeatherSQLDataBroker>();

        return services;

    public static IServiceCollection AddSQLiteServerApplicationServices(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
        // In Memory SQLite DB Setup
        var memdbContext = "Data Source=:memory:";
        services.AddDbContextFactory<SQLiteWeatherDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlite(memdbContext), ServiceLifetime.Singleton);
        services.AddSingleton<IDataBroker, WeatherSQLiteDataBroker>();

        return services;

    public static IServiceCollection AddInMemoryServerApplicationServices(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
        // In Memory Datastore Setup
        services.AddSingleton<IInMemoryDataStore, InMemoryWeatherDataStore>();
        services.AddSingleton<IDataBroker, WeatherInMemoryDataBroker>();

        return services;

    private static void AddCommonServices(this IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddScoped<ILogger, Logger<LoggingBroker>>();
        services.AddScoped<ILoggingBroker, LoggingBroker>();
        services.AddScoped<IDateTimeBroker, DateTimeBroker>();
        services.AddScoped<IDataServiceConnector, WeatherDataServiceConnector>();

The WASM project program.cs setup looks like this:

// program.cs
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
    // Added here as we don't have access to builder in AddApplicationServices
    builder.Services.AddScoped(sp => new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress) });
    // the Services for the Application


  1. There's an IServiceCollection extension method for each project/library to encapsulate the specific services needed for the project.
  2. Only the data layer service is different. The Server version, used by both the Blazor Server and the WASM API Server, interfaces with the database and Entity Framework. It's scoped as a Singleton.
  3. Everything is async, using a DbContextFactory and manage DbContext instances as they are used. The WASM version uses HttpClient to make calls to the API.
  4. The Brokers and Connectors handle data requests through generics. TRecord defines which dataset is retrieved and returned.


The boilerplate library code relies heavily on Generics. Two generic entities are defined:

  1. TRecord represents a model record class. It must be a class, implement IDbRecord and define an empty new(). TRecord is used at the method level.
  2. TEditRecord represent a model edit class. It must be a class, implement IEditRecord and define an empty new(). TEditRecord is used at the method level.
  3. TDbContext is the database context. It must inherit from the DbContext class.

Class declarations look like this:

public class ServerDataBroker<TDbContext> :
    where TDbContext : DbContext
    // example method template  
    public virtual ValueTask<TRecord> SelectRecordAsync<TRecord>(Guid id) where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new()
        => ValueTask.FromResult(new TRecord());

Data Access

Before diving into the detail, let's look at the main CRUD methods we implement:

  1. SelectAllRecords - get a List of records in the dataset.
  2. SelectPagedRecords - get a List of paged and sorted records in the dataset.
  3. SelectRecord - get a single record
  4. SelectRecordListCount - get the total number of records.
  5. CreateRecord - Create a new record
  6. UpdateRecord - Update the record
  7. DeleteRecord - Delete the record

Keep these in mind as we work through this article.


Data layer CUD operations return a DbTaskResult object. Most properties are self-evident. It's designed to be consumed by the UI to build CSS Framework entities such as Alerts and Toasts.

public class DbTaskResult
    public string Message { get; set; } = null;
    public MessageType Type { get; set; } = MessageType.None;
    public bool IsOK { get; set; } = true;
    public object Data { get; set; } = null;

Data Classes

Data classes implement IDbRecord. All reside in the Core Domain - Blazr.Database.Core.

  1. ID is a Guid, a unique Identity field for the record.
  2. DisplayName provides a generic name for the record. We use this in titles, lookup lists and other UI components.
  3. GetDbSetName() provides a method of defining a DbSet name other that the record name. By default it gets the set name.
public interface IDbRecord<TRecord> 
    where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new()
    public Guid ID { get; }
    public string DisplayName { get; }
    public string GetDbSetName() => new TRecord().GetType().Name;

Edit classes implement IEditRecord and IValidation

  1. ID is a Guid, a unique Identity field for the record.
  2. Populate() populates the instance from the provided TRecord.
  3. GetRecord() gets a new TRecord from the class instance.
public interface IEditRecord<TRecord>
    where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new()
    public Guid ID { get; }

    public void Populate(IDbRecord<TRecord> dbRecord);

    public TRecord GetRecord();

More about Validation later.

public interface IValidation
    public bool Validate(ValidationMessageStore validationMessageStore, string fieldname, object model = null);


Here's the dataclass for a WeatherForecast data entity.


  1. Entity Framework attributes used for property labelling.
  2. Implementation of IDbRecord.
  3. Defined as a record with immutable properties.
public record WeatherForecast : IDbRecord<WeatherForecast>
    [Key] public Guid ID { get; init; } = Guid.Empty;

    public DateTimeOffset Date { get; init; } = DateTimeOffset.Now;

    public int TemperatureC { get; init; } = 0;

    public string Summary { get; init; } = string.Empty;

    [NotMapped] public int TemperatureF => 32 + (int)(TemperatureC / 0.5556);

    [NotMapped] public string DisplayName => $"Weather Forecast for {this.Date.LocalDateTime.ToShortDateString()} ";

    // A long string field to demo using a max row in a data table
    [NotMapped] public string Description => $"The Weather Forecast for this {this.Date.DayOfWeek}, the {this.Date.Day} of the month {this.Date.Month} in the year of {this.Date.Year} is {this.Summary}.  From the font of all knowledge!";

And the editable version - EditWeatherForecast.


  1. Implementation of IEditRecord and IValidation.
  2. Defined as a class with setter properties
  3. GetRecord returns a WeatherForecast record.
  4. Populate populates the current class with data from a WeatherForecast.
  5. Validate runs the configured validations on the class properties. More later.
public class EditWeatherForecast : IValidation, IEditRecord<WeatherForecast>
    public Guid ID { get; set; } = Guid.Empty;

    public DateTimeOffset Date { get; set; } = DateTimeOffset.Now;

    public int TemperatureC { get; set; } = 0;

    public int TemperatureF => 32 + (int)(TemperatureC / 0.5556);

    public string Summary { get; set; } = string.Empty;

    public Guid GUID { get; init; } = Guid.NewGuid();

    public string DisplayName => $"Weather Forecast for {this.Date.LocalDateTime.ToShortDateString()} ";

    public WeatherForecast GetRecord() => new WeatherForecast
        ID = this.ID,
        Date = this.Date,
        TemperatureC = this.TemperatureC,
        Summary = this.Summary

    public void Populate(IDbRecord<WeatherForecast> dbRecord)
        var rec = (WeatherForecast)dbRecord;
        this.ID = rec.ID;
        this.Date = rec.Date;
        this.TemperatureC = rec.TemperatureC;
        this.Summary = rec.Summary;

    public bool Validate(ValidationMessageStore validationMessageStore, string fieldname, object model = null)
        model = model ?? this;
        bool trip = false;

        this.Summary.Validation("Summary", model, validationMessageStore)
            .LongerThan(2, "Your description needs to be a little longer! 3 letters minimum")
            .Validate(ref trip, fieldname);

        this.Date.Validation("Date", model, validationMessageStore)
            .NotDefault("You must select a date")
            .LessThan(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1), true, "Date can only be up to 1 month ahead")
            .Validate(ref trip, fieldname);

        this.TemperatureC.Validation("TemperatureC", model, validationMessageStore)
            .LessThan(70, "The temperature must be less than 70C")
            .GreaterThan(-60, "The temperature must be greater than -60C")
            .Validate(ref trip, fieldname);

        return !trip;


The Data Access Tier

The application implements two Entity Framework DBContext classes and one InMemoryDataStore. All reside in the Data Domain - Blazr.Database.Data.


The class is basic, creating a DbSet per dataclass. The DBSet either must be the same name as the dataclass, or the record GetDbSetName must return the correct DbSet name.

    public class MSSQLWeatherDbContext : DbContext
        private readonly Guid _id;

        public LocalWeatherDbContext(DbContextOptions<LocalWeatherDbContext> options)
            : base(options)
            => _id = Guid.NewGuid();

        public DbSet<WeatherForecast> WeatherForecast { get; set; }


The application implements a single Entity Framework DbContext, and a builder to build out the datbase instance and populate with data.

public class SQLiteWeatherDbContext : DbContext
    /// <summary>
    /// New Method - creates a guid in case we need to track it
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="options"></param>
    public SQLiteWeatherDbContext(DbContextOptions<SQLiteWeatherDbContext> options)
        : base(options)
          => this.BuildInMemoryDatabase();

    /// <summary>
    /// DbSet for the <see cref="DbWeatherForecast"/> record
    /// </summary>
    public DbSet<WeatherForecast> WeatherForecast { get; set; }

    private void BuildInMemoryDatabase()
        var conn = this.Database.GetDbConnection();
        var cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
        cmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE [WeatherForecast]([ID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER PRIMARY KEY, [Date] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL, [TemperatureC] [int] NOT NULL, [Summary] [varchar](255) NULL)";
        foreach (var forecast in this.NewForecasts)
            cmd.CommandText = $"INSERT INTO WeatherForecast([ID], [Date], [TemperatureC], [Summary]) VALUES({Guid.NewGuid()} ,'{forecast.Date.LocalDateTime.ToLongDateString()}', {forecast.TemperatureC}, '{forecast.Summary}')";

    private static readonly string[] Summaries = new[]
        "Freezing", "Bracing", "Chilly", "Cool", "Mild", "Warm", "Balmy", "Hot", "Sweltering", "Scorching"

    private List<WeatherForecast> NewForecasts
            var rng = new Random();

            return Enumerable.Range(1, 80).Select(index => new WeatherForecast
                //ID = index,
                Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(index),
                TemperatureC = rng.Next(-20, 55),
                Summary = Summaries[rng.Next(Summaries.Length)]


public class InMemoryWeatherDataStore : IInMemoryDataStore
    public InMemoryDataSet<WeatherForecast> WeatherForecast { get; set; }

    public InMemoryWeatherDataStore()
        this.WeatherForecast = new InMemoryDataSet<WeatherForecast>();

    public List<WeatherForecast> LoadWeatherForecastData()
        var summaries = new[] {
            "Freezing", "Bracing", "Chilly", "Cool", "Mild", "Warm", "Balmy", "Hot", "Sweltering", "Scorching"
        var rng = new Random();

        return Enumerable.Range(1, 80).Select(index => new WeatherForecast
            ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
            Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(index),
            TemperatureC = rng.Next(-20, 55),
            Summary = summaries[rng.Next(summaries.Length)]

    public InMemoryDataSet<TRecord> GetDataSet<TRecord>() where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new()
        var dbSetName = new TRecord().GetDbSetName();
        // Get the property info object for the DbSet 
        var pinfo = this.GetType().GetProperty(dbSetName);
        InMemoryDataSet<TRecord> dbSet = null;
        Debug.Assert(pinfo != null);
        // Get the property DbSet
            dbSet = (InMemoryDataSet<TRecord>)pinfo.GetValue(this);
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"{dbSetName} does not have a matching DBset ");
        Debug.Assert(dbSet != null);
        return dbSet;


We're using generics, so our methods only know about TRecord and the IDbRecord interface. We therefore need a methodology to get the correct DbSet. We use either a naming convention - the name of the record, the DbSet and the Table/View is the same - or declare the DbSet name in the record class through GetDbSetName. We implement the method to get the DbSet as an extension method on DbContext.

The method uses reflection to find the DbSet for TRecord.

public static DbSet<TRecord> GetDbSet<TRecord>(this DbContext context) where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new()
    var dbSetName = new TRecord().GetDbSetName();
    // Get the property info object for the DbSet 
    var pinfo = context.GetType().GetProperty(dbSetName);
    DbSet<TRecord> dbSet = null;
    Debug.Assert(pinfo != null);
    // Get the property DbSet
        dbSet = (DbSet<TRecord>)pinfo.GetValue(context);
        throw new InvalidOperationException($"{dbSetName} does not have a matching DBset ");
    Debug.Assert(dbSet != null);
    return dbSet;

Data Brokers

IDataBroker resides in the Core Domain - Blazr.SPA.Core - defining the interface the Core Domain Connectors use. The implementations all reside in the Data Domain - Blazr.SPA.Data.


IDataBroker defines the base CRUD methods DataServices must implement. Brokers are services defined in the Services container using the interface and consumed through the interface. Note TRecord with it's constraints is defined at method level. SelectPagedRecordsAsync uses a RecordPagingData object which we'll look at in article 5.

    public interface IDataBroker
        public ValueTask<List<TRecord>> SelectAllRecordsAsync<TRecord>() where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new();
        public ValueTask<List<TRecord>> SelectPagedRecordsAsync<TRecord>(RecordPagingData pagingData) where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new();
        public ValueTask<TRecord> SelectRecordAsync<TRecord>(Guid id) where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new();
        public ValueTask<int> SelectRecordListCountAsync<TRecord>() where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new();
        public ValueTask<DbTaskResult> UpdateRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record) where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new();
        public ValueTask<DbTaskResult> InsertRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record) where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new();
        public ValueTask<DbTaskResult> DeleteRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record) where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new();


BaseDataBroker is abstract implementation of IDataBroker. It provides default records, lists or not implemented DBTaskResult messages.

    public abstract class BaseDataBroker: IDataBroker
        public virtual ValueTask<List<TRecord>> SelectAllRecordsAsync<TRecord>() where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new()
            => ValueTask.FromResult(new List<TRecord>());
        public virtual ValueTask<List<TRecord>> SelectPagedRecordsAsync<TRecord>(RecordPagingData paginatorData) where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new()
            => ValueTask.FromResult(new List<TRecord>());
        public virtual ValueTask<TRecord> SelectRecordAsync<TRecord>(Guid id) where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new()
            => ValueTask.FromResult(new TRecord());
        public virtual ValueTask<int> SelectRecordListCountAsync<TRecord>() where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new()
            => ValueTask.FromResult(0);
        public virtual ValueTask<DbTaskResult> UpdateRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record) where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new()
            => ValueTask.FromResult(new DbTaskResult() { IsOK = false, Type = MessageType.NotImplemented, Message = "Method not implemented" });
        public virtual ValueTask<DbTaskResult> InsertRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record) where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new()
            => ValueTask.FromResult(new DbTaskResult() { IsOK = false, Type = MessageType.NotImplemented, Message = "Method not implemented" });
        public virtual ValueTask<DbTaskResult> DeleteRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record) where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new()
            => ValueTask.FromResult(new DbTaskResult() { IsOK = false, Type = MessageType.NotImplemented, Message = "Method not implemented" });


This is the concrete server-side implementation. Each database operation is implemented using separate DbContext instances. Note GetDBSet used to get the correct DBSet for TRecord.

public class SQLServerDataBroker<TDbContext> :
    where TDbContext : DbContext
    protected virtual IDbContextFactory<TDbContext> DBContext { get; set; } = null;

    public SQLServerDataBroker(IConfiguration configuration, IDbContextFactory<TDbContext> dbContext)
        => this.DBContext = dbContext;

    public override async ValueTask<List<TRecord>> SelectAllRecordsAsync<TRecord>()
        using var dbContext = this.DBContext.CreateDbContext();
        var list = await dbContext
        ?? new List<TRecord>();
        return list;

    public override async ValueTask<List<TRecord>> SelectPagedRecordsAsync<TRecord>(RecordPagingData pagingData)
        using var dbContext = this.DBContext.CreateDbContext();
        var dbset = dbContext

        var isSortable = typeof(TRecord).GetProperty(pagingData.SortColumn) != null;
        List<TRecord> list;
        if (pagingData.Sort && isSortable)
            list = await dbset
                .OrderBy(pagingData.SortDescending ? $"{pagingData.SortColumn} descending" : pagingData.SortColumn)
                ?? new List<TRecord>();
            list = await dbset
                ?? new List<TRecord>();
        return list;

    public override async ValueTask<TRecord> SelectRecordAsync<TRecord>(Guid id)
        using var dbContext = this.DBContext.CreateDbContext();
        var list = await dbContext
            .FirstOrDefaultAsync(item => ((IDbRecord<TRecord>)item).ID == id) ?? default;

        return list;

    public override async ValueTask<int> SelectRecordListCountAsync<TRecord>()
        using var dbContext = this.DBContext.CreateDbContext();
        var count = await dbContext

        return count;

    public override async ValueTask<DbTaskResult> UpdateRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record)
        using var context = this.DBContext.CreateDbContext();
        context.Entry(record).State = EntityState.Modified;
        var result = await this.UpdateContext(context);
        return result;

    public override async ValueTask<DbTaskResult> InsertRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record)
        using var context = this.DBContext.CreateDbContext();
        var result = await this.UpdateContext(context);
        return result;

    public override async ValueTask<DbTaskResult> DeleteRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record)
        using var context = this.DBContext.CreateDbContext();
        context.Entry(record).State = EntityState.Deleted;
        var result = await this.UpdateContext(context);
        return result;

    /// Helper method to update the context and return a DBTaskResult
    protected async Task<DbTaskResult> UpdateContext(DbContext context)
        => await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0 ? DbTaskResult.OK() : DbTaskResult.NotOK();


This is the concrete server-side implementation. All database operations use a single DbContext instances. Note GetDBSet gets the correct DBSet for TRecord.

public class SQLiteDataBroker<TDbContext> :
    where TDbContext : DbContext

    protected virtual IDbContextFactory<TDbContext> DBContext { get; set; } = null;

    private DbContext _dbContext;

    public SQLiteDataBroker(IConfiguration configuration, IDbContextFactory<TDbContext> dbContext)
        this.DBContext = dbContext;
        _dbContext = this.DBContext.CreateDbContext();
        // Debug.WriteLine($"==> New Instance {this.ToString()} ID:{this.ServiceID.ToString()} ");

    public override async ValueTask<List<TRecord>> SelectAllRecordsAsync<TRecord>()
        var dbset = _dbContext.GetDbSet<TRecord>();
        return await dbset.ToListAsync() ?? new List<TRecord>();

    public override async ValueTask<List<TRecord>> SelectPagedRecordsAsync<TRecord>(RecordPagingData paginatorData)
        var dbset = _dbContext.GetDbSet<TRecord>();
        var isSortable = typeof(TRecord).GetProperty(pagingData.SortColumn) != null;
        if (pagingData.Sort && isSortable)
            var list = await dbset
                .OrderBy(pagingData.SortDescending ? $"{pagingData.SortColumn} descending" : pagingData.SortColumn)
                .Take(pagingData.PageSize).ToListAsync() ?? new List<TRecord>();
            return list;
            var list = await dbset
                .Take(pagingData.PageSize).ToListAsync() ?? new List<TRecord>();
            return list;

    public override async ValueTask<TRecord> SelectRecordAsync<TRecord>(Guid id)
        var dbset = _dbContext.GetDbSet<TRecord>();
        return await dbset.FirstOrDefaultAsync(item => ((IDbRecord<TRecord>)item).ID == id) ?? default;

    public override async ValueTask<int> SelectRecordListCountAsync<TRecord>()
        var dbset = _dbContext.GetDbSet<TRecord>();
        return await dbset.CountAsync();

    public override async ValueTask<DbTaskResult> UpdateRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record)
        _dbContext.Entry(record).State = EntityState.Modified;
        var x = await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
        return new DbTaskResult() { IsOK = true, Type = MessageType.Success };

    public override async ValueTask<DbTaskResult> InsertRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record)
        var dbset = _dbContext.GetDbSet<TRecord>();
        var x = await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
        return new DbTaskResult() { IsOK = true, Type = MessageType.Success };

    public override async ValueTask<DbTaskResult> DeleteRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record)
        _dbContext.Entry(record).State = EntityState.Deleted;
        var x = await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
        return new DbTaskResult() { IsOK = true, Type = MessageType.Success };


This provides a datastore for demo sites and testing.

public class InMemoryDataStoreBroker<TContext> :
    where TContext : IInMemoryDataStore
    protected virtual IInMemoryDataStore DataContext { get; set; } = null;

    public InMemoryDataStoreBroker(IInMemoryDataStore dataContext)
        => this.DataContext = dataContext;

    public override ValueTask<List<TRecord>> SelectAllRecordsAsync<TRecord>()
        => ValueTask.FromResult<List<TRecord>>(DataContext

    public override ValueTask<List<TRecord>> SelectPagedRecordsAsync<TRecord>(RecordPagingData paginatorData)
        var dbSet = DataContext
        if (pagingData.Sort)
            dbSet = dbSet
                .OrderBy(pagingData.SortDescending ? $"{pagingData.SortColumn} descending" : pagingData.SortColumn)
        return ValueTask.FromResult ( dbSet

    public override ValueTask<TRecord> SelectRecordAsync<TRecord>(Guid id)
        => ValueTask.FromResult<TRecord>(DataContext
            .FirstOrDefault(item => ((IDbRecord<TRecord>)item).ID == id));

    public override ValueTask<int> SelectRecordListCountAsync<TRecord>()
        => ValueTask.FromResult<int>(DataContext

    public override ValueTask<DbTaskResult> UpdateRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record)
        var result = this.DataContext.GetDataSet<TRecord>().Update(record);
        var dbResult = new DbTaskResult() { IsOK = result, Message = "Record Updated" };
        return ValueTask.FromResult<DbTaskResult>(dbResult);

    public override ValueTask<DbTaskResult> InsertRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record)
        var result = this.DataContext.GetDataSet<TRecord>().Insert(record);
        var dbResult = new DbTaskResult() { IsOK = result, Message = "Record Added" };
        return ValueTask.FromResult<DbTaskResult>(dbResult);

    public override ValueTask<DbTaskResult> DeleteRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record)
        var result = this.DataContext.GetDataSet<TRecord>().Delete(record);
        var dbResult = new DbTaskResult() { IsOK = result, Message = "Record Deleted" };
        return ValueTask.FromResult<DbTaskResult>(dbResult);


The APIDataBroker looks a little different. It implements the interface, but uses HttpClient to get/post requests to the API on the server.

The service map looks like this:

View Service => APIDataBroker => API Controller => ServerDataBroker => DBContext

public class APIDataBroker : BaseDataBroker, IDataBroker
    protected HttpClient HttpClient { get; set; }

    public APIDataBroker(IConfiguration configuration, HttpClient httpClient)
        => this.HttpClient = httpClient;

    public override async ValueTask<List<TRecord>> SelectAllRecordsAsync<TRecord>()
        => await this.HttpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<List<TRecord>>($"/api/{GetRecordName<TRecord>()}/list");

    public override async ValueTask<List<TRecord>> SelectPagedRecordsAsync<TRecord>(RecordPagingData paginatorData)
        var response = await this.HttpClient.PostAsJsonAsync($"/api/{GetRecordName<TRecord>()}/listpaged", paginatorData);
        return await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<List<TRecord>>();

    public override async ValueTask<TRecord> SelectRecordAsync<TRecord>(Guid id)
        var response = await this.HttpClient.PostAsJsonAsync($"/api/{GetRecordName<TRecord>()}/read", id);
        var result = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<TRecord>();
        return result;

    public override async ValueTask<int> SelectRecordListCountAsync<TRecord>()
        => await this.HttpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<int>($"/api/{GetRecordName<TRecord>()}/count");

    public override async ValueTask<DbTaskResult> UpdateRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record)
        var response = await this.HttpClient.PostAsJsonAsync<TRecord>($"/api/{GetRecordName<TRecord>()}/update", record);
        var result = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<DbTaskResult>();
        return result;

    public override async ValueTask<DbTaskResult> InsertRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record)
        var response = await this.HttpClient.PostAsJsonAsync<TRecord>($"/api/{GetRecordName<TRecord>()}/create", record);
        var result = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<DbTaskResult>();
        return result;

    public override async ValueTask<DbTaskResult> DeleteRecordAsync<TRecord>(TRecord record)
        var response = await this.HttpClient.PostAsJsonAsync<TRecord>($"/api/{GetRecordName<TRecord>()}/update", record);
        var result = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<DbTaskResult>();
        return result;

    protected string GetRecordName<TRecord>() where TRecord : class, new()
        => new TRecord().GetType().Name;


API Controllers

Controllers are implemented in a specific project - Blazr.Database.Controllers, one per DataClass. They reside in the Data Domain, but can't reside in the project used to to build the WASM executables as they require the Microsoft.AsnNetCore.App framework.

The WeatherForecast Controller is shown below. It routes requests through the IDataBroker registered service.

public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
    protected IDataBroker DataService { get; set; }
    private readonly ILogger<WeatherForecastController> logger;

    public WeatherForecastController(ILogger<WeatherForecastController> logger, IDataBroker dataService)
        this.DataService = dataService;
        this.logger = logger;

    public async Task<List<WeatherForecast>> GetList() => await DataService.SelectAllRecordsAsync<WeatherForecast>();

    public async Task<List<WeatherForecast>> Read([FromBody] RecordPagingData data) => await DataService.SelectPagedRecordsAsync<WeatherForecast>(data);

    public async Task<int> Count() => await DataService.SelectRecordListCountAsync<WeatherForecast>();

    public async Task<WeatherForecast> GetRec(Guid id) => await DataService.SelectRecordAsync<WeatherForecast>(id);

    public async Task<WeatherForecast> Read([FromBody] Guid id) => await DataService.SelectRecordAsync<WeatherForecast>(id);

    public async Task<DbTaskResult> Update([FromBody]WeatherForecast record) => await DataService.UpdateRecordAsync<WeatherForecast>(record);

    public async Task<DbTaskResult> Create([FromBody]WeatherForecast record) => await DataService.CreateRecordAsync<WeatherForecast>(record);

    public async Task<DbTaskResult> Delete([FromBody] WeatherForecast record) => await DataService.DeleteRecordAsync<WeatherForecast>(record);

Connector Services

Connectors are the Core Domain interface to the Data Domain. They talk to Brokers. All the code resides in ModelDataServiceConnector.


IDataServiceConnector defines the common interface.

public interface IDataServiceConnector
    ValueTask<DbTaskResult> AddRecordAsync<TModel>(TModel model) where TModel : class, IDbRecord<TModel>, new();

    ValueTask<TModel> GetRecordByIdAsync<TModel>(Guid ModelId) where TModel : class, IDbRecord<TModel>, new();

    ValueTask<DbTaskResult> ModifyRecordAsync<TModel>(TModel model) where TModel : class, IDbRecord<TModel>, new();

    ValueTask<DbTaskResult> RemoveRecordAsync<TModel>(TModel model) where TModel : class, IDbRecord<TModel>, new();

    ValueTask<int> GetRecordCountAsync<TModel>() where TModel : class, IDbRecord<TModel>, new();

    ValueTask<List<TModel>> GetAllRecordsAsync<TModel>() where TModel : class, IDbRecord<TModel>, new();

    ValueTask<List<TModel>> GetPagedRecordsAsync<TModel>(RecordPagingData paginatorData) where TModel : class, IDbRecord<TModel>, new();


ModelDataServiceConnector implements the interface and connects to the defined IDataBroker defined service.

public abstract class ModelDataServiceConnector : IDataServiceConnector

    private readonly IDataBroker dataBroker;
    private readonly ILoggingBroker loggingBroker;

    public ModelDataServiceConnector(IDataBroker dataBroker, ILoggingBroker loggingBroker)
        this.dataBroker = dataBroker;
        this.loggingBroker = loggingBroker;

    public async ValueTask<DbTaskResult> AddRecordAsync<TModel>(TModel model) where TModel : class, IDbRecord<TModel>, new()
        => await this.dataBroker.InsertRecordAsync<TModel>(model);

    public async ValueTask<List<TModel>> GetAllRecordsAsync<TModel>() where TModel : class, IDbRecord<TModel>, new()
        => await this.dataBroker.SelectAllRecordsAsync<TModel>();

    public async ValueTask<List<TModel>> GetPagedRecordsAsync<TModel>(RecordPagingData pagingData) where TModel : class, IDbRecord<TModel>, new()
        => await this.dataBroker.SelectPagedRecordsAsync<TModel>(pagingData);

    public async ValueTask<TModel> GetRecordByIdAsync<TModel>(Guid modelId) where TModel : class, IDbRecord<TModel>, new()
        => await this.dataBroker.SelectRecordAsync<TModel>(modelId);

    public async ValueTask<DbTaskResult> ModifyRecordAsync<TModel>(TModel model) where TModel : class, IDbRecord<TModel>, new()
        => await this.dataBroker.UpdateRecordAsync<TModel>(model);

    public async ValueTask<DbTaskResult> RemoveRecordAsync<TModel>(TModel model) where TModel : class, IDbRecord<TModel>, new()
        => await this.dataBroker.DeleteRecordAsync<TModel>(model);

    public async ValueTask<int> GetRecordCountAsync<TModel>() where TModel : class, IDbRecord<TModel>, new()
        => await this.dataBroker.SelectRecordListCountAsync<TModel>();


The actual project implementation.

public class WeatherDataServiceConnector : ModelDataServiceConnector
    public WeatherDataServiceConnector(IDataBroker dataBroker, ILoggingBroker loggingBroker) : base(dataBroker, loggingBroker) { }

View Services

View Services are the classes that represent the application core logic. The UI view uses view services to interact with data. The key mindset is no data structures in the UI. If the UI refers to some data, the data resides in a View Service, and the UI accesses that data through a view.

In data driven applications View Services come in three basic flavours:

  1. Model View Services - these expose single base model data to the UI.
  2. Compound Model Services - these expose complex models built from base models. An example would be a weather station and its associated daily weather station data.
  3. Edit Model Services - these transform record data into editable model classes and expose and manage the edit process for Compound Model Services.


IModelViewService defines the common base interface for a Model View Service.


  1. Generic TRecord.
  2. Properties holding the current record and record list.
  3. Boolean logic properties to simplify state management.
  4. Events for record and list changes.
  5. Reset methods to reset the service/record/list.
  6. CRUDL methods that update/use the current record/list.
public interface IModelViewService<TRecord>
    where TRecord : class, new()
    public Guid Id { get; }
    public TRecord Record { get; }
    public List<TRecord> Records { get; }
    public int RecordCount { get; }
    public DbTaskResult DbResult { get; }
    public RecordPager RecordPager { get; }
    public bool IsRecord { get; }
    public bool HasRecords { get; }
    public bool IsNewRecord { get; }

    public event EventHandler RecordHasChanged;
    public event EventHandler ListHasChanged;

    public ValueTask ResetServiceAsync();
    public ValueTask ResetRecordAsync();
    public ValueTask ResetListAsync();
    public ValueTask GetRecordsAsync();
    public ValueTask<bool> SaveRecordAsync(TRecord record);
    public ValueTask<bool> GetRecordAsync(Guid id);
    public ValueTask<bool> NewRecordAsync();
    public ValueTask<bool> DeleteRecordAsync();


BaseModelViewService implements IModelViewService. It contains all the boilerplate code.

public abstract class BaseModelViewService<TRecord> :
    where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new()
    public Guid Id { get; } = Guid.NewGuid();

    public TRecord Record
        get => _record;
        private set
            this._record = value;
            this.RecordHasChanged?.Invoke(value, EventArgs.Empty);
    private TRecord _record = null;

    public List<TRecord> Records
        get => _records;
        private set
            this._records = value;
            this.ListHasChanged?.Invoke(value, EventArgs.Empty);
    private List<TRecord> _records = null;

    public DbTaskResult DbResult { get; set; } = new DbTaskResult();

    public RecordPager RecordPager { get; private set; }

    public bool HasRecord => this.Record != null;

    public bool HasRecords => this.Records != null && this.Records.Count > 0;

    public bool IsNewRecord { get; protected set; } = true;

    protected IDataServiceConnector DataServiceConnector { get; set; }

    public int RecordCount => throw new NotImplementedException();

    public event EventHandler RecordHasChanged;

    public event EventHandler ListHasChanged;

    public BaseModelViewService(IDataServiceConnector dataServiceConnector)
        this.DataServiceConnector = dataServiceConnector;
        this.RecordPager = new RecordPager(10, 5);
        this.RecordPager.PageChanged += this.OnPageChanged;

    public void SetRecord(TRecord record)
        this.Record = record;

    public async ValueTask ResetServiceAsync()
        await this.ResetListAsync();
        await this.ResetRecordAsync();

    public ValueTask ResetListAsync()
        this.Records = null;
        return ValueTask.CompletedTask;

    public ValueTask ResetRecordAsync()
        this.Record = null;
        this.IsNewRecord = false;
        return ValueTask.CompletedTask;

    public async ValueTask GetRecordsAsync()
        this.Records = await DataServiceConnector.GetPagedRecordsAsync<TRecord>(this.RecordPager.GetData);
        this.RecordPager.RecordCount = await GetRecordListCountAsync();
        this.ListHasChanged?.Invoke(null, EventArgs.Empty);

    public async ValueTask<bool> GetRecordAsync(Guid id)
        if (!id.Equals(Guid.Empty))
            this.IsNewRecord = false;
            this.Record = await DataServiceConnector.GetRecordByIdAsync<TRecord>(id);
            this.Record = new TRecord();
            this.IsNewRecord = true;
        return this.IsRecord;

    public async ValueTask<int> GetRecordListCountAsync()
        => await DataServiceConnector.GetRecordCountAsync<TRecord>();

    public async ValueTask<bool> SaveRecordAsync(TRecord record)
        if (this.IsNewRecord)
            this.DbResult = await DataServiceConnector.AddRecordAsync<TRecord>(record);
            this.DbResult = await DataServiceConnector.ModifyRecordAsync(record);
        await this.GetRecordsAsync();
        this.IsNewRecord = false;
        return this.DbResult.IsOK;

    public async ValueTask<bool> DeleteRecordAsync()
        this.DbResult = await DataServiceConnector.RemoveRecordAsync<TRecord>(this.Record);
        return this.DbResult.IsOK;

    protected async void OnPageChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        => await this.GetRecordsAsync();

    protected void NotifyRecordChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        => this.RecordHasChanged?.Invoke(sender, e);

    protected void NotifyListChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        => this.ListHasChanged?.Invoke(sender, e);

    public ValueTask<bool> NewRecordAsync()
        this.Record = new TRecord();
        this.IsNewRecord = true;
        return ValueTask.FromResult(false);

    public virtual void Dispose()


The boilerplating payback comes in the declaration of WeatherForecastViewService:

public class WeatherForecastViewService : 
    public WeatherForecastViewService(IDataServiceConnector dataServiceConnector) : base(dataServiceConnector) { }

Wrap Up

This article shows how the data services can be built using a set of abstract classes implementing boilerplate code for CRUDL operations. I've purposely kept error checking in the code to a minimum, to make it much more readable. You can implement as little or as much as you like.

Some key points to note:

  1. Aysnc code is used throughout the projects. The data access is all async. ValueTasks are used where possible.
  2. Generics make much of the boilerplating possible. They create complexity, but are worth the effort.
  3. Interfaces are crucial for Dependancy Injection and UI boilerplating. All connections between the Data and Core Domain and the UI and Core Domain should be implemented as interfaces. An interface with a single implementation is good. The payback comes in maintainability and future updates.
  4. The Blazr.SPA library has three namespaces to reflect the domain model. Blazor.Database.Core should only depend on Blazr.SPA.Core.

If you're reading this article in the future, check the readme in the repository for the latest version of this article set.


  • 15-Sep-2020: Initial version.
  • 2-Oct-2020: Minor formatting updates and typo fixes.
  • 17-Nov-2020: Major Blazor.CEC library changes. Change to ViewManager from Router and new Component base implementation.
  • 28-Mar-2021: Major updates to Services, project structure and data editing.
  • 24-June-2021: revisions to data layers.
  • 06-Aug-2012: revisions to reflect the project and library remodelling to the domain model.