Hi, I'm Shaun
aka Cold Elm Coders

I may be an Internet old timer, with all the scars and opinionated views too many years of experience bring, but I'm still learning and now have time to share a little of that knowledge!

And a traveller to places less travelled.

Knowledge will help you solve a problem you have yet to experience.


My Latest Ramblings and Rants

Is Task.CompletedTask Expensive?27-Mar-2024
The Trouble with OnAfterRender
Why you shouldn't use OnAfterRender to mutate the state of a component.18-Mar-2024
The DotNetCore Timers
What is a Timer?16-Feb-2024
Sloppy Code - The Pattern Mismatch
Compilers often let you get away with delegate mismatches.15-Feb-2024
The Blazor Button Click
This post explains what goes on behind a Blazor UI event such as a button click.14-Feb-2024