Our first pass is to:
is called.abstract
as this is a base class.public abstract class Minimal1Base : IComponent { protected RenderHandle? renderHandle; public void Attach(RenderHandle handle) => renderHandle = handle; public Task SetParametersAsync(ParameterView parameters) { // Sets the component parameters to the latest values parameters.SetParameterProperties(this); // Creates a render fragment as an anonymous function that calls BuildRenderTree RenderFragment fragment = (builder) => BuildRenderTree(builder); // passes the fragment to the RenderTree to render this.renderHandle?.Render(fragment); return Task.CompletedTask; } // This is the method the Razor compiler will override with the render fragment built from the Razor markup protected abstract void BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder builder); }
The Hello World Razor component looks like this:
@inherits RazorClass <h3>Hello Blazor</h3>
The current code isn't a very efficient.
RenderFragment fragment = (builder) => BuildRenderTree(builder);
The runtime has to build the same anonymous function every time the component renders. That's a relatively expensive operation. We can solve that by caching it in the ctor.
First some state fields:
protected RenderHandle renderHandle; private bool _renderPending; private RenderFragment _componentFragment; protected virtual bool hide { get; set; }
The render fragment is the code the Render runs. hide
provides an efficient way to show/hide the component output.
public MinimalBase() { _componentFragment = (builder) => { _renderPending = false; if (!this.hide) BuildRenderTree(builder); }; }
The render code can also be improved. The existing code queues _componentFragment
regardless of whether it's already queued.
The new method uses a private bool
to track render state. If _componentFragment
is already queued, it doesn't queue it again. The last changes will be applied when the already queued fragment runs.
protected void RequestRender() { if (!_renderPending) { _renderPending = true; this.renderHandle.Render(_componentFragment); } }
The final base component:
public abstract class MinimalBase : IComponent { protected RenderHandle renderHandle; private bool _renderPending; private RenderFragment _componentFragment; protected virtual bool hide { get; set; } public MinimalBase() { _componentFragment = (builder) => { _renderPending = false; if (!this.hide) BuildRenderTree(builder); }; } public void Attach(RenderHandle handle) => renderHandle = handle; public Task SetParametersAsync(ParameterView parameters) { parameters.SetParameterProperties(this); this.RequestRender(); return Task.CompletedTask; } protected abstract void BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder builder); protected void RequestRender() { if (!_renderPending) { _renderPending = true; this.renderHandle.Render(_componentFragment); } } }
To demonstrate the new base component in action we need to build some real components that inherit from it
Here are two simple but fully functional Bootstrap UI Components:
@inherits MinimalBase <div class="alert @this.Colour">@this.Message</div> @code { protected override bool shouldHide => this.Hidden; [Parameter] public bool Hidden { get; set; } [Parameter] public string Colour { get; set; } = "alert-primary"; [Parameter] public string Message { get; set; } = "Bootstrap Alert"; }
@inherits MinimalBase <button class="btn @this.Colour" @onclick=this.Clicked >@this.Text</button> @code { protected override bool shouldHide => this.Hidden; [Parameter] public bool Hidden { get; set; } [Parameter] public string Colour { get; set; } = "btn-primary"; [Parameter] public string Text { get; set; } = "Button"; [Parameter] public EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> Clicked { get; set; } }
Here are the two components in action in a test page:
@page "/" @inherits MinimalBase <BootstrapAlert Hidden=this.hidden Message="Hello Blazor" /> <BootstrapButton Colour="btn-primary" Text="Update" Clicked=this.Clicked /> @code { private bool hidden; private void Clicked() { this.hidden = !this.hidden; this.RequestRender(); } }