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Building a Blazor AutoComplete Control

How to build your own Blazor AutoComplete Control.

Where a standard select was once the only solution, a typeahead/autocomplete control is one of those must have controls you need for a modern UX. If you don't want to buy into a component library, you need to roll your own.

This article shows you how.

Html now has the datalist input control which gets us most of the way there. But you need to handle user keyboard input. You either:

  1. Pull in the full list of options on load and then do in component Linq operations on the collection to filter the list. OK with smaller lists, but populating a search box with the contents of a languauge dictionary isn't going to work.
  2. Go back to your data store and retrieve a new list on each keypress.

If you type "uni", does the control lookup and refresh the list on every keystroke, or wait until you stop typing? Is your search case-sensitive? Are you restricting your search to the first three letters? How do you know that "u" is not the only letter? How do you know "i" is the last letter?

If we respond to each keystroke, the user experience will depend on how quickly the control can fetch the data and update the display. If the data pipeine is slower than typing speed, we build up a queue of requests: there may be perceptible delay while the data pipeline and UI catch up.

We need a De-Bouncer. For those unsure what I mean, we need to control the number of component refreshes and calls to the data pipeline caused by keyboard/mouse driven events.

De-bouncing is a mechanism to minimize this effect. The normal technique uses a timer which is reset on each keypress and only executes the data pipeline request when the timer expires: often set at 300 millseconds. Type "uni" quickly and it only does a lookup on "i". Type them slowly and it does a lookup on each keypress.

It works, but the time taken to update is the timer + the query/refresh period. We can do better.


The repo for this article is here: Blazr.Demo.TypeAhead

Coding Conventions

  1. Nullable is enabled globally. Null error handling relies on it.
  2. Net7.0.
  3. C# 11.
  4. Data objects are immutable: records.
  5. sealed by default.


This is my de-bouncer. No timer: it utilizes the built in functionality in the Async library.

The class outline.

public sealed class InputThrottler
    private int _backOff = 0;
    private Func<Task> _taskToRun;
    private Task _activeTask = Task.CompletedTask;
    private TaskCompletionSource<bool>? _queuedTaskCompletionSource;
    private TaskCompletionSource<bool>? _activeTaskCompletionSource;

    private InputThrottler(Func<Task> toRun, int backOff);
    private async Task RunQueueAsync();
    public Task<bool> QueueAsync();
    public static InputThrottler Create(Func<Task> toRun, int backOff)
            => new InputThrottler(toRun, backOff > 300 ? backOff : 300);

Instantiation is restricted to a static Create method. There's no way to just "new" up an instance.

The Func delegate is the actual method that gets called to refresh the data. The method pattern is Task MethodName().

The backoff is the minimum update backoff period: the default value is set to 300 milliseconds.

There are two private TaskCompletionSource global variables that track the running and queued requests. If you haven't encountered TaskCompletionSource before, it's an object that provides manual creation and management of Tasks. You'll see how it works in the code.

_activeTask references the Task for the current instance of RunQueueAsync. It provides a mechanism to check if the queue is currently running or completed.


public Task<bool> QueueAsync()

Get a reference to the currently queued CompletionTask. It will be set to completed once replaced by a new CompletionTask. It may be null.

    var oldCompletionTask = _queuedTaskCompletionSource;

Create a new CompletionTask and get a reference to it's Task. Belt-and-braces stuff to make sure it's referenced before assigned to the active queue.

    var newCompletionTask = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
    var task = newCompletionTask.Task;

Switch out the CompletionTask reference assigned to the active queue.

    // replace _queuedTaskCompletionSource
    _queuedTaskCompletionSource = newCompletionTask;

Set the old CompletionTask to completed. Return false: nothing happened.

    if (oldCompletionTask is not null)

Is _activeTask not completed i.e. RunQueueAsync is running. If not call RunQueueAsync and assign it's Task reference to _activeTask.

    if (_activeTask is null || _activeTask.IsCompleted)
        _activeTask = this.RunQueueAsync();

Return the task associated with the new queued CompletionTask.

    return task;


private async Task RunQueueAsync()

If the current CompletionTask is completed, release the reference to it.

    if (_activeTaskCompletionSource is not null && _activeTaskCompletionSource.Task.IsCompleted)
        _activeTaskCompletionSource = null;

If the current CompletionTask is running then everything is already in motion and there's nothing to do so return.

    if (_activeTaskCompletionSource is not null)

Use a while loop to keep the process running while there's a queued CompletionTask.

    while (_queuedTaskCompletionSource is not null)

If we're here, there's no active CompletionTask. Assign a queued CompletionTask reference to the active CompletionTask and release queued CompletionTask reference. The queue is now empty.

        _activeTaskCompletionSource = _queuedTaskCompletionSource;
        _queuedTaskCompletionSource = null;

Start a Task.Delay task set to delay for the backoff period, the main task in _taskToRun, and await both. The actual backoff period will be the longer running of the two tasks.

        var backoffTask = Task.Delay(_backOff);
        var mainTask = _taskToRun.Invoke();
        await Task.WhenAll( new Task[] { mainTask, backoffTask } );

The main task has completed so we set the active CompletionTask to completed and release the reference to it. The return value is true: - we did something.

        _activeTaskCompletionSource = null;

Loop back to check if another request has been queued: there's been a UI event while we've been processing the last queued request. If not complete.



The object uses TaskCompletionSource instances to represent each request. It passes the Task associated with the instance of TaskCompletionSource back to the caller. The queued request, represented by the TaskCompletionSource, is either:

  1. Run by the queue handler. The task is completed as true: we did something and you probably need to update the UI.
  2. Replaced by another request. It's completed as false: no action needed.

The AutoCompleteComponent

It has:

  1. The standard two bind parameters,
  2. a Func delegate to return a string collection based on a provided string,
  3. and the Css to apply to the input.
[Parameter] public string? Value { get; set; }
[Parameter] public EventCallback<string?> ValueChanged { get; set; }
[Parameter, EditorRequired] public Func<string?, Task<IEnumerable<string>>>? FilterItems { get; set; }
[Parameter] public string CssClass { get; set; } = "form-control mb-3";

The private global variables:

private InputThrottler inputThrottler;
private string? filterText;  //The value we'll get from oninput events
private string listid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //unique id for the datalist
private IEnumerable<string> items = Enumerable.Empty<string>(); //string list for the datalist

A ctor to initialize the InputThrottler.

public AutoCompleteControl()
    => inputThrottler = InputThrottler.Create(GetFilteredItems, 300);

OnInitializedAsync to get the initial filter list. This may be an empty list.

protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
    => GetFilteredItems();

The actual method to get the list items. If the Parameter FilterItems is null set items to an empty collection, otherwise set items to the returned collection.

private async Task GetFilteredItems()
    this.Items = FilterItems is null
        ? Enumerable.Empty<string>()
        : await FilterItems.Invoke(filterText);

Method called by @oninput. It sets filterText to the current string and then queues a request on inputThrottler. If this is returned as true - inputThrottler didn't cancel the request - call StateHasChanged to update the component. See the Improving the Component Performance to explain why we call StateHasChanged.

private async void OnSearchUpdated(ChangeEventArgs e)
    this.filterText = e.Value?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
    if (await inputThrottler.QueueAsync())

The UI event handler for an input update invoking the bind ValueChanged callback.

private Task OnChange(ChangeEventArgs e)
    => this.ValueChanged.InvokeAsync(e.Value?.ToString());

The UI markup code:

<input class="@CssClass" type="search" value="@this.Value" @onchange=this.OnChange list="@listid" @oninput=this.OnSearchUpdated />

<datalist id="@listid">
    @foreach (var item in this.Items)

Improving the Component Performance

The component raises a UI event on every keystroke: OnSearchUpdated is called. As we inherit from ComponentBase, this triggers two render events on the component: one before and one after the await yield. We don't need them: they do nothing unless inputThrottler.QueueAsync() returns true.

We can change this by implementing IHandleEvent and defining a custom HandleEventAsync that just invokes the method with no calls to StateHasChanged. We call it manually when we need to.

We can also shortcircuit the OnAfterRenderAsync handler as we aren't using it either.

Here's how to do it:

@implements IHandleEvent
@implements IHandleAfterRender

Task IHandleEvent.HandleEventAsync(EventCallbackWorkItem callback, object? arg)
    => callback.InvokeAsync(arg);

Task IHandleAfterRender.OnAfterRenderAsync()
    => Task.CompletedTask;

Finally we add a code behind file to seal the class: sealed objects are marginally quicker that open objects. One of the behind the scenes changes in .Net7.0 was sealing as many classes as possible.

public sealed partial class AutoCompleteControl  {}

Demo Page

The code for the data pipeline is in the appendix. This page demonstrates autocomplete on a country select control. It's pretty self explanatory. Either return the whole list if search is empty as done here, or return an empty list.

@page "/"
@page "/Index"
@inject CountryService Service


<AutoCompleteControl FilterItems=this.GetItems @bind-Value=this.typeAheadText />

<div class="alert alert-info">
    typeAheadText : @typeAheadText
@code {
    private string? typeAheadText;

    private IEnumerable<Country> filteredCountries = Enumerable.Empty<Country>();

    private async Task<IEnumerable<string>> GetItems(string search)
        var list = await this.Service.FilteredCountries(search, null);
        return list.Select(item => item.Name).AsEnumerable();

Code behind class:

public sealed partial class Index {}


The Data Pipeline for this article.


public sealed class CountryService
    private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;
    private List<CountryData> _baseDataSet = new List<CountryData>();
    private ValueTask _loadTask;

    public IEnumerable<Continent> Continents => _continents;
    public IEnumerable<Country> Countries => _countries;

    private List<Continent> _continents = new();
    private List<Country> _countries = new();

    public CountryService(HttpClient httpClient)
        _httpClient = httpClient;
        _loadTask = GetBaseData();

    public async ValueTask<IEnumerable<Country>> FilteredCountries(string? searchText, Guid? continentUid = null)
        => await this.GetFilteredCountries(searchText, continentUid);

    private async ValueTask GetBaseData()
        // source country file is
        // on my site it's in wwwroot/sample-data/countries.json
        _baseDataSet = await _httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<List<CountryData>>("sample-data/countries.json") ?? new List<CountryData>();
        var distinctContinentNames = _baseDataSet.Select(item => item.Continent).Distinct().ToList();

        foreach (var continent in distinctContinentNames)
            _continents.Add(new Continent { Name = continent });

        foreach (var continent in _continents)
            var countryNamesInContinent = _baseDataSet.Where(item => item.Continent == continent.Name).Select(item => item.Country).ToList();

            foreach (var countryName in countryNamesInContinent)
                _countries.Add(new Country { Name = countryName, ContinentUid = continent.Uid });

    private async ValueTask<IEnumerable<Country>> GetFilteredCountries(string? searchText, Guid? continentUid = null)
        // Add in a yield to emulate async behaviour;
        await Task.Delay(10);
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchText))
            return continentUid is null
                ? _countries.OrderBy(item => item.Name).AsEnumerable()
                : _countries.Where(item => item.ContinentUid == continentUid).OrderBy(item => item.Name).AsEnumerable();

        return continentUid is null || continentUid == Guid.Empty
            ? _countries.Where(item => item.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchText.ToLower())).OrderBy(item => item.Name).AsEnumerable()
            : _countries.Where(item => item.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchText.ToLower()) && item.ContinentUid == continentUid).OrderBy(item => item.Name).AsEnumerable();
private sealed record CountryData
    public required string Country { get; init; }
    public required string Continent { get; init; }
public sealed record Country
    public Guid Uid { get; init; } = Guid.NewGuid();
    public required Guid ContinentUid { get; init; }
    public required string Name { get; init; }
public sealed record Continent
    public Guid Uid { get; init; } = Guid.NewGuid();
    public required string Name { get; init; }

Services Registration. This is for Blazor Server

// Add services to the container.
    var services = builder.Services;

    // Server Side Blazor doesn't register HttpClient by default
    // Thanks to Robin Sue - Suchiman
    if (!services.Any(x => x.ServiceType == typeof(HttpClient)))
        // Setup HttpClient for server side in a client side compatible fashion
        services.AddScoped<HttpClient>(s =>
            // Creating the URI helper needs to wait until the JS Runtime is initialized, so defer it.
            var uriHelper = s.GetRequiredService<NavigationManager>();
            return new HttpClient
                BaseAddress = new Uri(uriHelper.BaseUri)