If a web based SPA [Single Page Application] is goinfg to look like a a real application it needs a modal dialog framework. This article shows how to build a modal dialog container for Blazor IComponents
The component is part of my Application Framework Library Blazor.Database
avaliable on Github at Blazor.Database Repo.
You can see a live version of the site here CEC.Blazor WASM Site - look at Modal Weather.
There are three classes, one interface and one Enum:
defines an interface that all modal dialogs must implementation.
namespace Blazr.Modal { public interface IModalDialog { ModalOptions Options { get; set; } // Method to display a Modal Dialog Task<ModalResult> ShowAsync<TModal>(ModalOptions options) where TModal : IComponent; // Method to update the Modal Dialog during display void Update(ModalOptions options = null); // Method to dismiss - normally called by the dismiss button in the header bar void Dismiss(); // Method to close the dialog - normally called by the child component TModal void Close(ModalResult result); } }
namespace Blazr.Modal { // Defines the types for exiting the dialog public enum ModalResultType { NoSet, OK, Cancel, Exit } }
is passed back to the Show
caller as the Task
completion result when the modal closes.
namespace Blazr.Modal { public class ModalResult { // The closing type public BootstrapModalResultType ResultType { get; private set; } = ModalResultType.NoSet; // Whatever object you wish to pass back public object Data { get; set; } = null; // A set of static methods to build a BootstrapModalResult public static ModalResult OK() => new ModalResult() {ResultType = ModalResultType.OK }; public static ModalResult Exit() => new ModalResult() {ResultType = ModalResultType.Exit}; public static ModalResult Cancel() => new ModalResult() {ResultType = ModalResultType.Cancel }; public static ModalResult OK(object data) => new ModalResult() { Data = data, ResultType = ModalResultType.OK }; public static ModalResult Exit(object data) => new ModalResult() { Data = data, ResultType = ModalResultType.Exit }; public static ModalResult Cancel(object data) => new ModalResult() { Data = data, ResultType = ModalResultType.Cancel }; } }
is an IEnumerable
collection of options passed to the Modal Dialog class when opening the Dialog.
namespace Blazr.Modal { public class ModalOptions :IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> { /// <summary> /// List of options /// </summary> public static readonly string __Width = "Width"; public static readonly string __ID = "ID"; public static readonly string __ExitOnBackGroundClick = "ExitOnBackGroundClick"; private Dictionary<string, object> Parameters { get; } = new Dictionary<string, object>(); public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, object>> GetEnumerator() { foreach (var item in Parameters) yield return item; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => this.GetEnumerator(); public T Get<T>(string key) { if (this.Parameters.ContainsKey(key)) { if (this.Parameters[key] is T t) return t; } return default; } public bool TryGet<T>(string key, out T value) { value = default; if (this.Parameters.ContainsKey(key)) { if (this.Parameters[key] is T t) { value = t; return true; } } return false; } public bool Set(string key, object value) { if (this.Parameters.ContainsKey(key)) { this.Parameters[key] = value; return false; } this.Parameters.Add(key, value); return true; } } }
The Razor Markup for BaseModalDialog
implements the markup for a dialog. A cascading value provides child form access to the IModalDialog
@namespace Blazr.Modal @inherits ComponentBase @implements IModalDialog @if (this.Display) { <CascadingValue Value="(IModalDialog)this"> <div class="base-modal-background" @onclick="OnBackClick"> <div class="base-modal-content" style="@this.Width" @onclick:stopPropagation="true"> @this._Content </div> </div> </CascadingValue> }
Some key points:
, with the form to display defined as TForm
, shows the dialog with an instance of TForm
as it's child content.Close
on the cascaded IModalDialog
instance, or the modal calls Dismiss
. Both actions set the Task to completed, Display
to false, clear the content, and call Render
which renders an empty component.TaskCompletionSource
object to manage async behaviour and communicate task status to the caller.namespace Blazr.Modal { public partial class BaseModalDialog : ComponentBase, IModalDialog { [Inject] private IJSRuntime _js { get; set; } public ModalOptions Options { get; protected set; } = new ModalOptions(); public bool Display { get; protected set; } public bool IsLocked { get; protected set; } protected RenderFragment _Content { get; set; } protected string Width => this.Options.TryGet<string>(ModalOptions.__Width, out string value) ? $"width:{value}" : string.Empty; protected bool ExitOnBackGroundClick => this.Options.TryGet<bool>(ModalOptions.__ExitOnBackGroundClick, out bool value) ? value : false; protected TaskCompletionSource<ModalResult> _ModalTask { get; set; } = new TaskCompletionSource<ModalResult>(); public Task<ModalResult> ShowAsync<TModal>(ModalOptions options) where TModal : IComponent { this.Options = options ??= this.Options; this._ModalTask = new TaskCompletionSource<ModalResult>(); this._Content = new RenderFragment(builder => { builder.OpenComponent(1, typeof(TModal)); builder.CloseComponent(); }); this.Display = true; InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged); return this._ModalTask.Task; } /// <summary> /// Method to update the state of the display based on UIOptions /// </summary> /// <param name="options"></param> public void Update(ModalOptions options = null) { this.Options = options ??= this.Options; InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged); } /// Method called by the dismiss button to close the dialog /// sets the task to complete, show to false and renders the component (which hides it as show is false!) public async void Dismiss() { _ = this._ModalTask.TrySetResult(ModalResult.Cancel()); this.Display = false; this._Content = null; await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged); } /// Method called by child components through the cascade value of this component /// sets the task to complete, show to false and renders the component (which hides it as show is false!) public async void Close(ModalResult result) { _ = this._ModalTask.TrySetResult(result); this.Display = false; this._Content = null; await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged); } private void SetPageExitCheck(bool action) { _js.InvokeAsync<bool>("cecblazor_setEditorExitCheck", action); } public void Lock(bool setlock) { if (setlock && !this.IsLocked) { this.IsLocked = true; this.SetPageExitCheck(true); } else if (this.IsLocked && !setlock) { this.IsLocked = false; this.SetPageExitCheck(false); } } private void OnBackClick(MouseEventArgs e) { if (ExitOnBackGroundClick && !IsLocked) this.Close(ModalResult.Exit()); } } }
Next we add some component Css as BasModalDialog.razor.css.
div.base-modal-background { display: block; position: fixed; z-index: 1; /* Sit on top */ left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; /* Full width */ height: 100%; /* Full height */ overflow: auto; /* Enable scroll if needed */ background-color: rgb(0,0,0); /* Fallback color */ background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); /* Black w/ opacity */ } div.base-modal-content { background-color: #fefefe; margin: 10% auto; padding: 10px; border: 2px solid #888; width: 90%; }
Finally we need to set up some JsInterop to handle browser exit locking. Add a site.js file to wwwroot
window.cecblazor_setEditorExitCheck = function (show) { if (show) { window.addEventListener("beforeunload", cecblazor_showExitDialog); } else { window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", cecblazor_showExitDialog); } } window.cecblazor_showExitDialog = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.returnValue = "There are unsaved changes on this page. Do you want to leave?"; }
And add a reference to the SPA startup page - _Host.cshtml or index.html:
<script src="/site.js"></script>
We will demonstrate using the modal dialog with two examples:
namespace to _Imports.razor
.@page "/fetchdata" ..... @if (this.isDialog) { <div class="text-right"> <button class="btn btn-dark" @onclick="Exit">Exit</button></div> } }
@code { [CascadingParameter] IModalDialog Dialog { get; set; } private bool isDialog => Dialog is not null; private List<WeatherForecast> forecasts; private void Exit() { this.Dialog.Dismiss(); } ..... }
@page "/" <button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="ShowModal">Show FetchData</button> <BaseModalDialog @ref="Dialog" />
@code { public IModalDialog Dialog { get; set; } private void ShowModal() => Dialog.ShowAsync<FetchData>( new Blazr.Modal.ModalOptions()); }
This demonstrates using an edit form in a dialog.
First the component - PseudoEditor.Razor
Use the "Set To Dirty" button to emulate making edits in the form.
<h3>PseudoEditor</h3> <div> DATA</div> <div class="p-2 m-2 text-right"> <button class="btn @this._editButtonColour" @onclick="this.SetToEdit">@this._editButtonText</button> <button disabled="@(!this._isDirty)" class="btn btn-success" @onclick="this.Save">Save</button> <button disabled="@(this._isDirty)" class="btn btn-dark" @onclick="this.Close">Close</button> </div> @code { [CascadingParameter] public IModalDialog Modal { get; set; } private bool _isModal => this.Modal != null; private bool _isDirty; private string _editButtonColour => _isDirty ? "btn-danger" : "btn-success"; private string _editButtonText => _isDirty ? "Set To Clean" : "Set To Dirty"; private void SetToEdit() { _isDirty = !_isDirty; if (_isModal) this.Modal.Lock(_isDirty); } private void Save(MouseEventArgs e) { this.Modal.Close(ModalResult.OK()); } public void Close(MouseEventArgs e) { this.Modal.Close(ModalResult.OK()); } }
The test page:
@page "/modal" <div> <button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="GetYesNo">Open</button> </div> <BaseModalDialog @ref="this.Modal"></BaseModalDialog> @code { private BaseModalDialog Modal { get; set; } private void GetYesNo(MouseEventArgs e) { var options = new ModalOptions(); options.Set(ModalOptions.__ExitOnBackGroundClick, true); Modal.ShowAsync<PseudoEditor>(options); } }
Modal dialogs are just CSS. You implement them using layers. The modal background is a full browser sized layer that covers and "hides" everything below it. The modal content sits on top, and is the only "live" content.
If your looking for a more complex Modal Dialog with more features, take a look at Blazored Modal Dialog.