Table of Contents

Building Blazor List Components and the Notification Pattern

This article looks at how to handle large lists in Blazor, decouple the data from the UI, and use the Notification Pattern to trigger updates in components.


This article looks at how to handle large lists in Blazor, decouple the data from the UI, and use the Notification Pattern to trigger updates in components.

The starting solution for this article is the out-of-the-box Blazor Server template.


The Github Repository for this project is Blazr.Articles.Lists

Refactoring the Project

Our first step is to separate the code into three principle directory structures: Data, Core and UI. Normally I would use three projects, but I'm keeping things simple in this article. These represent the three primary domains in the simple Clean Design model. We'll re-distribute the code as we progress. Code in each domain resides in the domain namespace: for example all Core code resides in Blazr.Articles.Core.


Move to Core and:

  1. Change it to a record value object.
  2. Add a WeatherForecastId property as a Guid.
  3. Change all the properties to {get; init;}.
namespace Blazr.Articles.Core;

public record WeatherForecast
    public Guid WeatherForecastId {get; init;} = Guid.Empty;
    public DateTime Date { get; init; }
    public int TemperatureC { get; init; }
    public int TemperatureF => 32 + (int)(TemperatureC / 0.5556);
    public string? Summary { get; init; }


Add a ListOptions class to Core. This class contains paging data: it's passed in any data pipeline request to define the dataset "page" to retrieve. Code should never retrieve unconstrained lists from data sources - you never know how big the data set may grow. Set the defaults to sensible maximum values. The class has various constructors and setters we'll use later.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.Virtualization;
namespace Blazr.Articles.Core;

public class ListOptions
    public int StartRecord { get; set; } = 0;
    public int PageSize { get; set; } = 1000;
    public int ListCount { get; set; }
    public int Page => this.StartRecord / this.PageSize;

    public ListOptions() { }

    public ListOptions(int startRecord, int pageSize)
        this.StartRecord = startRecord;
        this.PageSize = pageSize;

    public void Set(ListOptions options)
        this.PageSize = options.PageSize;
        this.StartRecord = options.StartRecord;

    public void Set(ItemsProviderRequest options)
        this.PageSize = options.Count;
        this.StartRecord = options.StartIndex;

    public void SetPage(int pageno)
        =>  this.StartRecord = pageno * this.PageSize;

    public ListOptions Copy => new ListOptions { 
        StartRecord = this.StartRecord, 
        PageSize = this.PageSize, 
        ListCount = this.ListCount


Rename the WeatherForcastService to WeatherForecastDataStore and restructure it as follows.


  1. Generate a large data set on instantiation and assign it to an internal field.
  2. Add various public methods for List and CRUD operations.
  3. Maintain an internally consistent data set: data requests are passed copies, not references to internal objects.
  4. The data pipeline methods are all ValueTask based because they emulate real world asynchronous database operations.
namespace Blazr.Articles.Data;
using Blazr.Articles.Core;

public class WeatherForecastDataStore
    // Internal list to hold the data set.
    private List<WeatherForecast> _records;

    public WeatherForecastDataStore()
        _records = GetForecasts();

    private static readonly string[] Summaries = new[]
        "Freezing", "Bracing", "Chilly", "Cool", "Mild", "Warm", "Balmy", "Hot", "Sweltering", "Scorching"

    public ValueTask<bool> DeleteForecastAsync(Guid Id) {
        var record = _records.FirstOrDefault(item => item.WeatherForecastId == Id);
        if (record is not null)
        return ValueTask.FromResult(record is not null);

    public ValueTask<bool> SaveForecastAsync(WeatherForecast record)
        var isrecord = _records.Any(item => item.WeatherForecastId == record.WeatherForecastId);
        if (isrecord)
        _records.Add(record with { });
        return ValueTask.FromResult(isrecord);

    public ValueTask<List<WeatherForecast>> GetForecastsAsync(ListOptions options)
        var list = _records
            .OrderBy(item => item.Date)

            var newList = new  List<WeatherForecast>();
            list.ForEach(item => newList.Add(item with {}));

            return ValueTask.FromResult(newList);

    public ValueTask<int> GetForecastCountAsync()
        => ValueTask.FromResult(_records.Count);

    private List<WeatherForecast> GetForecasts()
        return Enumerable.Range(1, 200).Select(index => new WeatherForecast
            WeatherForecastId = Guid.NewGuid(),
            Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(index),
            TemperatureC = Random.Shared.Next(-20, 55),
            Summary = Summaries[Random.Shared.Next(Summaries.Length)]


IWeatherForecastDataBroker defines the interface for the data pipeline connection between Core and Data domain code. Add IWeatherForecastDataBroker to Core. It defines the basic List and CRUD operations we implement for this article:

  1. Delete a record.
  2. Save a record.
  3. Get a record list.
  4. Get the total number of records.

Note the simularity with the classic Repository pattern.

namespace Blazr.Articles.Core;

public interface IWeatherForecastDataBroker
    public ValueTask<List<WeatherForecast>> GetForecastsAsync(ListOptions options);
    public ValueTask<int> GetForecastCountAsync();
    public ValueTask<bool> SaveForecastAsync(WeatherForecast record);
    public ValueTask<bool> DeleteForecastAsync(Guid Id);


WeatherForecastServerDataBroker is the concrete server based implementation of IWeatherForecastDataBroker. It's commonly known as a "shim": a thin call through layer into the data store. Add WeatherForecastServerDataBroker to Data.

using Blazr.Articles.Core;

namespace Blazr.Articles.Data;

public class WeatherForecastServerDataBroker : IWeatherForecastDataBroker
    private WeatherForecastDataStore _dataStore;

    public WeatherForecastServerDataBroker(WeatherForecastDataStore weatherForecastDataStore)
        => _dataStore = weatherForecastDataStore;

    public ValueTask<List<WeatherForecast>> GetForecastsAsync(ListOptions options)
        => _dataStore.GetForecastsAsync(options);

    public ValueTask<int> GetForecastCountAsync()
        => _dataStore.GetForecastCountAsync();

    public ValueTask<bool> SaveForecastAsync(WeatherForecast record)
        => _dataStore.SaveForecastAsync(record);

    public ValueTask<bool> DeleteForecastAsync(Guid Id)
        => _dataStore.DeleteForecastAsync(Id);


WeatherForecastNotificationService is a simple service used by the data services to manage notifications: list updates and page changes. There are two events triggered by two public notify methods.

namespace Blazr.Articles.Core;

public class WeatherForecastNotificationService
    public event EventHandler? ListUpdated;
    public event EventHandler? ListPaged;

    public void NotifyListUpdated(object? sender)
        =>  this.ListUpdated?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

    public void NotifyListPaged(object? sender, int page)
        =>  this.ListPaged?.Invoke(sender, new PagingEventArgs(page));

ListPagedEventArgs is a derived Eventargs class:

namespace Blazr.Articles.Core;

public class ListPagedEventArgs : EventArgs
    public int Page { get; set; }

    public ListPagedEventArgs(int page)
        => this.Page = page;


This provides list management for the UI. Records is the exposed paged record set. There are two GetRecordsAsync public methods:

  1. The first is used by the paging control and updates Records.
  2. The second is used by the Virtualize component and implements the ItemsProviderDelegate pattern.

Both update the local ListOptions field, get the data set and raise the ListPaged event on the notification service.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.Virtualization;
namespace Blazr.Articles.Core;

public class WeatherForecastListService
    private IWeatherForecastDataBroker _weatherForecastDataBroker;
    private WeatherForecastNotificationService _notificationService;
    public readonly ListOptions ListOptions = new ListOptions();
    public List<WeatherForecast>? Records { get; private set; }

    public WeatherForecastListService(IWeatherForecastDataBroker weatherForecastDataBroker, WeatherForecastNotificationService weatherForecastNotificationService)
        _weatherForecastDataBroker = weatherForecastDataBroker;
        _notificationService = weatherForecastNotificationService;

    public async ValueTask<ListOptions> GetRecordsAsync(ListOptions options)
        await this.GetRecordsAsync();
        return this.ListOptions.Copy;

    public async ValueTask<ItemsProviderResult<WeatherForecast>> GetRecordsAsync(ItemsProviderRequest request)
        await this.GetRecordsAsync();
        return new ItemsProviderResult<WeatherForecast>(this.Records ?? new List<WeatherForecast>(), this.ListOptions.ListCount);

    private async ValueTask GetRecordsAsync()
        this.Records = await _weatherForecastDataBroker.GetForecastsAsync(this.ListOptions);
        this.ListOptions.ListCount = await _weatherForecastDataBroker.GetForecastCountAsync();
        _notificationService.NotifyListPaged(this, this.ListOptions.Page);


WeatherForecastCrudService contains the Crud services.

Methods raise the appropriate events on the notification service. This service is very simple here, but where the record is more complex and/or record editing is implemented, this class would maintain the working copy of the record.

namespace Blazr.Articles.Core;

public class WeatherForecastCrudService
    private IWeatherForecastDataBroker _weatherForecastDataBroker;
    private WeatherForecastNotificationService _notificationService;

    public WeatherForecastCrudService(IWeatherForecastDataBroker weatherForecastDataBroker, WeatherForecastNotificationService weatherForecastNotificationService)
        _weatherForecastDataBroker = weatherForecastDataBroker;
        _notificationService = weatherForecastNotificationService;

    public async ValueTask DeleteRecordAsync(Guid Id)
        _ = await _weatherForecastDataBroker.DeleteForecastAsync(Id);

    public async ValueTask AddRecordAsync(WeatherForecast record)
        _ = await _weatherForecastDataBroker.SaveForecastAsync(record);

This completes the data pipeline.

The UI

First make a copy of FetchData. Call it FetchPagedData, change the Page directive to FetchPagedData and add a link to the new poage to NavMenu.

<div class="nav-item px-3">
    <NavLink class="nav-link" href="fetchpageddata">
        <span class="oi oi-list-rich" aria-hidden="true"></span> Paged data


We'll look at this in stages.

The page:

  1. Implements IDisposable: events need disposing correctly. The Renderer manages IDisposable.
  2. Injects the View and Notification Services.
@page "/fetchdata"
@implements IDisposable
@using Blazr.Articles.Core
@inject WeatherForecastListService ListService
@inject WeatherForecastCrudService CrudService
@inject WeatherForecastNotificationService NotificationService
  1. Provides a private field to reference the UI Virtualize component.
  2. OnListUpdated handles any list update events. It calls RefreshDataAsync on the Virtualize component and StateHasChanged on the page component.
  3. Implements Dispose to unregister event handlers.
@code {
    private Virtualize<WeatherForecast>? virtualizeComponent;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        => this.NotificationService.ListUpdated += this.OnListUpdated;

    private void OnListUpdated(object? sender, EventArgs e)

    public void Dispose()
        => this.NotificationService.ListUpdated += this.OnListUpdated;
  1. Add and Delete UI event handlers wired up to the WeatherForecastCrudService.
    public async Task AddRecord()
        var record = new WeatherForecast
                WeatherForecastId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Date = DateTime.Now,
                TemperatureC = 20,
                Summary = "Testing"
        await CrudService.AddRecordAsync(record);

    public async Task DeleteRecord(Guid Id)
        => await CrudService.DeleteRecordAsync(Id);

On to the UI.


  1. Remove the list loading logic: this is handled by the Virtualize component.
  2. Add a delete button to the row template and a add record button at the top of the page.
  3. Add the Virtualize component as the row template, wired to the WeatherForecastListServicemethod GetRecordsAsync.
<h1>Weather forecast</h1>

<p>This component demonstrates fetching data from a service.</p>
<div class="container-fluid">
    <div class="col-12 text-end">
        <button class="btn btn-sm btn-dark" @onclick="this.AddRecord">Add Record</button>
<table class="table">
            <th>Temp. (C)</th>
            <th>Temp. (F)</th>
        <Virtualize TItem=WeatherForecast Context=forecast ItemsProvider=this.ListService.GetRecordsAsync @ref=this.virtualizeComponent>
                    <button class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" @onclick="() => this.DeleteRecord(forecast.WeatherForecastId)">Delete</button>


First, a paging component.


There's a lot of simple maths based fields to calculate and manage the page and block information the display components need. We'll skip those.

The control follows the same pattern as Virtualize:

  1. The ListOptions class is used to pass and receive paging data.
  2. Uses a Func delegate, defined as a required Parameter, to call the paging provider.
  3. Provides a notification method for the parent to notify that the list has changed.

The main methods are:

  1. GotToPageAsync(int page) sets the new page and calls SetPageAsync.
  2. GotToPageAsync() calls SetPageAsync with the current ListOptions data.
  3. SetPageAsync() calls the PagingProvider and updates the list count on the result.
private async Task GotToPageAsync(int page)
    if (this.PagingProvider is not null && page != this.Page)
        this.Page = page;
        await GotToPageAsync();

private async Task GotToPageAsync()
    await SetPageAsync();

private async Task SetPageAsync()
    if (this.PagingProvider is not null)
        var options = await PagingProvider(_listOptions);
        this.Page = options.Page;
        this.ListCount = options.ListCount;

OnInitializedAsync gets the current page.

protected async override Task OnInitializedAsync()
    =>  await this.SetPageAsync();

The full partial class looks like this:

using Blazr.Articles.Core;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;

namespace Blazr.Articles.UI;

public partial class PagingControl
    : ComponentBase
    private ListOptions _listOptions => new ListOptions() { PageSize = this.PageSize, StartRecord = this.ReadStartRecord };
    private int Page = 0;
    private int ListCount = 0;

    [Parameter] public int PageSize { get; set; } = 5;

    [Parameter] public int BlockSize { get; set; } = 10;

    [Parameter][EditorRequired] public Func<ListOptions, ValueTask<ListOptions>>? PagingProvider { get; set; }

    [Parameter] public bool ShowPageOf { get; set; } = true;

    protected async override Task OnInitializedAsync()
        =>  await this.SetPageAsync();

    private async Task SetPageAsync()
        if (this.PagingProvider is not null)
            var options = await PagingProvider(_listOptions);
            this.Page = options.Page;
            this.ListCount = options.ListCount;

    private void OnPagingReset(object? sender, PagingEventArgs e)
        this.Page = e.Page;

    private async Task GotToPageAsync(int page)
        if (this.PagingProvider is not null && page != this.Page)
            this.Page = page;
            await GotToPageAsync();

    private async Task GotToPageAsync()
        await SetPageAsync();

    public async ValueTask NotifyListChangedAsync()
        => await GotToPageAsync();

    private int DisplayPage => this.Page + 1;

    private int LastPage => PageSize == 0 || ListCount == 0
        ? 0
        : ((int)Math.Ceiling(Decimal.Divide(this.ListCount, this.PageSize))) - 1;

    private int LastDisplayPage => this.LastPage + 1;

    private int ReadStartRecord => this.Page * this.PageSize;

    private int Block => (int)Math.Floor(Decimal.Divide(this.Page, this.BlockSize));

    private bool AreBlocks => this.ListCount > this.BlockSize * this.PageSize;

    private int BlockStartPage => this.Block * this.BlockSize;

    private int BlockEndPage => this.LastPage > (this.BlockStartPage + (BlockSize)) - 1
        ? (this.BlockStartPage + BlockSize) - 1
        : this.LastPage;

    private int LastBlock => (int)Math.Floor(Decimal.Divide(this.LastPage, this.BlockSize));

    private int LastBlockStartPage => LastBlock * this.BlockSize;

    private string GetCss(int page)
        => page == this.Page ? "btn-primary" : "btn-secondary";

    private async Task MoveBlockAsync(int block)
        var _page = block switch
            int.MaxValue => this.LastBlockStartPage,
            1 => this.Block + 1 > LastBlock ? LastBlock * this.BlockSize : this.BlockStartPage + BlockSize,
            -1 => this.Block - 1 < 0 ? 0 : this.BlockStartPage - BlockSize,
            _ => 0
        await this.GotToPageAsync(_page);

    private async Task GoToBlockAsync(int block)
        => await this.GotToPageAsync(block * this.PageSize);

And the Razor markup

@namespace Blazr.Articles.UI
@implements IDisposable

<div class="m-2 p-2">
    @if (this.AreBlocks)
        <div class="btn-group me-1" role="group" aria-label="Move Back Buttons">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-dark" @onclick="() => this.MoveBlockAsync(int.MinValue)">|&lt;</button>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-dark" @onclick="() => this.MoveBlockAsync(-1)">&lt;&lt;</button>
    <div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="Page Buttons">
        @for (int page = this.BlockStartPage; page <= this.BlockEndPage; page++)
            var pageno = page;
            var viewpageno = page + 1;
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-sm @GetCss(pageno)" @onclick="() => this.GotToPageAsync(pageno)">@viewpageno</button>
    @if (this.AreBlocks)
        <div class="btn-group ms-1" role="group" aria-label="Move Forward Buttons">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-dark" @onclick="() => this.MoveBlockAsync(1)">&gt;&gt;</button>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-dark" @onclick="() => this.MoveBlockAsync(int.MaxValue)">&gt;|</button>
    @if (this.ShowPageOf)
        <span class="mx-2">Page @this.DisplayPage of @this.LastDisplayPage</span>


We'll look at this in stages.

  1. Implements IDisposable: events need disposing correctly. The Renderer manages IDisposable.
  2. Injects the View and Notification Services.
@using Blazr.Articles.Core
@using Blazr.Articles.UI
@inject WeatherForecastListService ListService
@inject WeatherForecastCrudService CrudService
@inject WeatherForecastNotificationService NotificationService
  1. Provides a private field to reference the UI PageControl component.
  2. OnListUpdated handles any list update events. It calls NotifyListChangedAsync on the PagingControl component and StateHasChanged on the page component.
  3. OnListPaged handles any paging events. It invokes StateHasChanged on the page component.
  4. Implements Dispose to unregister event handlers.
private PagingControl? pagingControl;

protected override void OnInitialized()
    this.NotificationService.ListUpdated += this.OnListChanged;
    this.NotificationService.ListPaged += this.OnListPaged;

private void OnListChanged(object? sender, EventArgs e)

private void OnListPaged(object? sender, EventArgs e)
    => this.InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);

public void Dispose()
    this.NotificationService.ListUpdated += this.OnListChanged;
    this.NotificationService.ListPaged += this.OnListPaged;
  1. Add and Delete UI event handlers wired up to the WeatherForecastCrudService.
public async Task AddRecord()
    var record = new WeatherForecast
            WeatherForecastId = Guid.NewGuid(),
            Date = DateTime.Now,
            TemperatureC = 20,
            Summary = "Testing"
    await CrudService.AddRecordAsync(record);

public async Task DeleteRecord(Guid Id)
    => await CrudService.DeleteRecordAsync(Id);

In the UI markup we:

  1. Add the paging control in a top bar along with the add button.
  2. Point the list loop to the service Records collection.
  3. Add the delete button to each row.

<h1>Weather forecast</h1>

<p>This component demonstrates fetching data from a service.</p>

<div class="container-fluid">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-10">
            <PagingControl BlockSize=10 PageSize=10 PagingProvider=this.ListService.GetRecordsAsync @ref=this.pagingControl />
        <div class="col-2 text-end">
            <button class="btn btn-sm btn-dark" @onclick="this.AddRecord">Add Record</button>
@if (this.ListService.Records == null)
    <table class="table">
                <th>Temp. (C)</th>
                <th>Temp. (F)</th>
            @foreach (var forecast in this.ListService.Records)
                        <button class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" @onclick="() => this.DeleteRecord(forecast.WeatherForecastId)">Delete</button>

How it Works


  1. When the page loads, the initial state wil be "loading": WeatherForecastListService.Records will be null.
  2. The PagingControl initializes, calling SetPageAsync and loading the first page.
  3. WeatherForecastListService.GetRecordsAsync loads the initial lage of data into Records and raises the NotifyListPaged event on the notifciation service.
  4. OnListPaged on FetchPagedData is called, which triggers a re-render. WeatherForecastListService.Records now contains a dataset and is rendered.

Add/Delete Records.

  1. Add/Delete methods on the Crud Service raise the ListUpdated event on the notification service.
  2. OnListChanged is called on FetchPagedData which calls NotifyListChangedAsync on the PagingControl.
  3. This triggers a reload of the current page and the ListChanged event which re-renders the main page.

Wrap up

That's it for this article. We've explored:

  1. How to build the data pipeline on a fundimentally sounder foundation.
  2. How to separate the data from the UI.
  3. How to use the Virtualize component, linked into the data pipeline to load paged data.
  4. How to build a simple paging control that uses th same paging data pipeline infrastructure.
  5. How to use the Notification pattern to drive the UI update process.

In a future article I'll look at how to upgrade the data pipeline for sorting and filtering operations, and how to buid a set of generic UI components to handle such operations.